Friday, December 28, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A call for help!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Busiest Time of the Year
For Family Home Evening last night our treat was yummy carmel apples. The boys were in Heaven and we took some pictures to show their glee. They all have different ways of eating their apples:
Jackson, on the other hand, peels the carmel off his apple and digs right into it, also never touching the apple.
Cooper, our sensible little boy, holds the carmel on and tries to keep the apple connected to the candy.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
New Blogging Background
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Follow Up on the "Worlds Best Boss"
Now, (I'm coming to the point), I don't know how many of you have checked out that web page, but there is a link on there called "Creed Thoughts". For those of you who aren't faithful fans, Creed is a very strange man on the sitcom. He is the one who, in any real office situation, you stay far away from because you never can tell what's going down with him.
On one episode, he let known that he had a blog. Well, low and behold, they have posted several different "post's" that he has made on his "blog". Holy SMOKES! I have been laughing so hard that I actually wiped my eyes once or twice. Here's just a little sample of some of the funnies posted:
May 31, 06:06 PM
Creed Thoughts
Where’s Thousand Island? I’ve got some vacation time saved up and it sounds like a delicious place to visit.
Root beer floats. It does. I’ve tested it.
There’s a fat man that sits by me. He has some sort of jar of multi-colored power beans. I need those beans, man.
The last thing I want to deal with at work is people.
I’m thinking about buying a horse. Great for transportation and once you’re done with it, you’ve got about seven days worth of meals.
Never trust mailmen.
Reminder: Michael’s safe combo: 20-22-36.
That's just one entry. There's at least a dozen. If you need a good laugh, I highly recommend it. Sure cure for the "Guilty Mom Blues". Click Here to check it out.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Worlds Best Boss

Changing Times

Tuesday: 89°F 59°F
Wednesday: 91°F 60°F
Thursday: 88°F 60°F
Friday: 85°F 59°F
Friday, September 14, 2007
True Landscape Architecture

Friday, September 7, 2007
Some New Favorite Recipes

¾ c. Mayonnaise
4 (1-inch-thick) slices Italian Bread
12 slices thick-cut bacon, chopped
3-4 cups grape or cherry tomatoes (halved)
3 Tablespoons Red Wine Vinegar
1 (10 ounce) bag chopped romaine lettuce (or one head romaine lettuce chopped)
Salt and Pepper
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 475 degrees. Spread ¼ cup mayonnaise over both sides of bread and transfer to baking sheet. Bake until golden brown, 8-10 minutes. Let cool 5 minutes, and then cut into 1 inch croutons.
2. Cook bacon in large skillet over medium heat until crisp, about 8 minutes. Transfer to paper towel-lined plate. Discard drippings.
3. Whisk remaining mayonnaise and vinegar in large bowl. Add bacon, tomatoes, lettuce and croutons and toss to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Serve.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Labor Day Weekend
We took the fish back to the house and grilled it. The boys loved it.
It was such beautiful weather that we were outside most of the time. Jeramy took the boys a little way off into the forest and they found a dead tree. They eagerly tore pieces of it off and collected them for firewood.
Jeramy and I sat on the porch watching Sawyer hunt for bugs, Cooper and Jackson hunt for fire wood and enjoyed reading our books. It was wonderful.
It was sad to have to return to they heat, but we made it home safely and I've finally caught up on all my house work. So, now we go back to normal. It really was fun while it lasted, though.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The Signing
Ok, it finally came. My friends and I finally got to attend the "Stephanie Meyer" book signing. We were very relieved at how many people "our age" were there. It was held at Marcos De Niza high school and the auditorum completely filled up with women (and a couple guys.) There were some very.... uhhh..... 'devoted' fans who came out. (see picture below. They are cloaked like the Volturi in the books.)
Stephanie Meyer answered all sorts of questions about the books. One that was interesting to me was when someone asked her exactly how many more books she was going to write. She responded that she hadn't made up her mind yet. Could be one, could be a few more. I'm just relieved to hear there are more coming. She also said she is publishing her first book that is marketed to adults in the spring. She directed people to go to her website to learn more about that series.
"Preschool is real school too!"
Jackson started "mommy preschool" yesterday. I'm doing preschool with 5 other women in my ward. Super easy. We basically are just having school twice a week, and rotating weeks at different homes. We each pick a book to read to the kids each "class", then do a craft, game, activity and snack to go with it. Jackson loved his first day. He took it very seriously and made sure we took his picture for his "first day of school, because preschool is real school, too!"
Monday, August 20, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Which side do you think?
As I was looking at Coopers picture yesterday from his first day at school, I started thinking about who the boys really look like. I got out Jeramy's and my kindergarten pictures to compare and I really can't tell. They are all so different, yet they've all got so much of both of us in them. What do you think?
Monday, August 13, 2007
The First Day of School
Well, it's finally here. My baby is at his first day of all-day kindergarten. I can't believe I am old enough to have a kid in school ALL DAY!! It's nuts. He was so terribly excited for this day to come. Yesterday he wanted to make his lunch, and he let me know he wants bologna sandwiches every day this year. (We'll see if he really can stomach that.) Then this morning, he got up at 5:45 a.m. At 6 a.m. he came down stairs and said, "OK, Mom, I've brushed my teeth and said my prayers and gotten dressed and my backpack is all ready. So, all I need to do is eat breakfast and have you comb my hair." Then every 10 minutes after that for the next hour and a half he asked if it was time to go yet. Poor kid is going to be exhausted when he gets home. Still, I'm going to enjoy this whole "excited about going to school" phase he is going through. Who knows how long it will last.
Friday, August 10, 2007
I've been tagged...
Jobs I've Had:
1. Ned's Crazy Sub (yes, I was one of those girls.)
2. Hogi Yogi
3. Front desk at Brimhall Chiropractic
4. Telephone credit card collector at Chase Bank
Movies I can watch over and over again:
1. Serendipity
2. Return to Me
3. Pride and Prejudice ( the 6 hour long version)
4. The Nightmare Before Christmas
Places I've lived:
1. Mesa, Arizona 85203
2. Mesa, Arizona 85213
3. Mesa, Arizona 85204
4. That's really it, pretty boring!
My favorite TV shows:
1. The Office
2. Scrubs
3. Uhhh...I think those complete the list.
Places I have been on holiday:
1. Rocky Point, Mexico
2. Utah (does that really count?)
3. Niagara Falls
4. Church history tour in a large extended van with 7 other family members (I was a teenager and that one was forced upon me. At the time it was torture, pretty cool to look back on.)
Favorite Dishes:
1. CHEESEBURGERS!!!!! (anytime or anywhere)
2. Rosa's Stuffed Quesedilla (sp?)
3. Almost anything inspired by Rachel Ray
4. Home Made Pizza
Websites I visit daily:
1. Email
2. Blog sites of friends
3. Food Network
4. Desert Schools
Places I would rather be right now:
1. Curled up with a really good and ROMANTIC book
2. Getting a manicure or pedicure
3. The beach
4. Out on a date with Jeramy
The last category is people I'm tagging now, but most people I know are already tagged. So, if you are reading this and have NOT been tagged, I am now tagging you. Keep the fun going!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The Great Storm
Monday, July 30, 2007
My pretty little garden.
When I was a kid, every Saturday at the crack of dawn, My mom would make the kids get out of bed and go out back to pull weeds in her garden. I remember complaining and vowing that I would never ever in my LIFE have a little garden of my own.
Then I grew up.
I'm sure my memories are tainted a bit with exaggeration, but the torture wasn't enough to make me keep my promise to myself. We have a very little garden in our back yard now, and I am so extremely proud of it. We have many kinds of peppers growing, along with some watermelon, cantalope and (my pride and Favorite) beautiful sunflowers.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Jeramys Job

Jeramy is a Landscape Architect in Training. He is working toward getting his state liscence and then he will be a certified Landscape Architect. He got a Bachelors of Science degree in Landscape Architecture from Arizona State University. He made the Dean's list every year he was in school, was one of the top in his class and he won an international internship competition from a large Landscape Architecture Firm. I am always amazed at the creativity and talent he has when he shows me his drawings and designs. He is currently working at Ten Eyck Landscape Architects full time and on the side a group of custom homes in Mexico. I'm posting a couple of pictures that he has drawn and I hope he doesn't get mad at me.
Just thought maybe some people would like to know!