Friday, August 10, 2007

I've been tagged...

Ok, Sarah, I'll play this game. I've been so caught up with reading Harry Potter, the Uglies, the Pretties, and finally ECLIPSE that I really haven't had any time to do any creative blogging. I had nothing to write, but since Sarah passed this to me, here it is:

Jobs I've Had:
1. Ned's Crazy Sub (yes, I was one of those girls.)
2. Hogi Yogi
3. Front desk at Brimhall Chiropractic
4. Telephone credit card collector at Chase Bank

Movies I can watch over and over again:
1. Serendipity
2. Return to Me
3. Pride and Prejudice ( the 6 hour long version)
4. The Nightmare Before Christmas

Places I've lived:
1. Mesa, Arizona 85203
2. Mesa, Arizona 85213
3. Mesa, Arizona 85204
4. That's really it, pretty boring!

My favorite TV shows:
1. The Office
2. Scrubs
3. Uhhh...I think those complete the list.

Places I have been on holiday:
1. Rocky Point, Mexico
2. Utah (does that really count?)
3. Niagara Falls
4. Church history tour in a large extended van with 7 other family members (I was a teenager and that one was forced upon me. At the time it was torture, pretty cool to look back on.)

Favorite Dishes:
1. CHEESEBURGERS!!!!! (anytime or anywhere)
2. Rosa's Stuffed Quesedilla (sp?)
3. Almost anything inspired by Rachel Ray
4. Home Made Pizza

Websites I visit daily:
1. Email
2. Blog sites of friends
3. Food Network
4. Desert Schools

Places I would rather be right now:
1. Curled up with a really good and ROMANTIC book
2. Getting a manicure or pedicure
3. The beach
4. Out on a date with Jeramy

The last category is people I'm tagging now, but most people I know are already tagged. So, if you are reading this and have NOT been tagged, I am now tagging you. Keep the fun going!

1 comment:

OurFamily said...

HEY! I feel like I haven't seen you guys in ages, maybe i'll have to come by or babysit this week to see the boys :). I didn't know you were a Scrubs fan... I love that show!