Ok, so we have a little garden in our backyard that we have been working so hard to grow plants in. They have really been growing well and they it's a lot of fun to see results. Yesterday, Jeramy went out to water the garden. As he was inspecting the plants, he found that all the leaves, and the Jalapenos had been completely eaten off of 2 of our pepper plants. He started looking around to find the problem when he turned over a leaf and this is what he found:

Apparently it is called a "tobacco horntail". The thing is 4 inches long and still growing. It's pretty disgusting if you ask me. But, apparently its "good for boys to have bugs around to look at." So, now it's in a terrarium filled with dirt and leaves on the shelf in my living room. Jeramy said it will be "cool" to watch it grow, make a cocoon and turn into a gigantic nasty moth. Not really my idea of fun. I finally conceded to the whole thing, but told Jeramy that he is the sole person responsible for it. I told him it is disgusting and I refuse to deal with it. It goes under his household responsibilities along with feeding LIVE crickets to the surprise "free" frog he brought home one day. (A whole different story that would take too long to go into.) Anyway, I guess dealing with bugs, dirt and bodily smells are my life sentence until my brood grows up.
Oh becky - I am so sorry you have to put up with all this "boy"stuff!! I feel your pain - but I guess you don't have to deal with all the girl drama, huh? I'm giggling right now because I can just hear Jeramy telling you that it's going to turn into a cool moth...and blah,blah,blah to talk you into it!! What a guy! Love you guys.
That is the weirdest looking bug! I used to love that stuff... weird.
That is so gross! I have never seen a bug like that...maybe its a good thing my front yard is only dirt, nothing can live in it except lizards :)
Hi Becky! That is a crazy bug!! I think it looks pretty cool - but don't think I'd care too much for what it will become! :)
Your boys are adorable!
Sara (Matheson)
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