Thursday, April 24, 2008

Allow me a little rant...

OK, so I still have two months to go, but the grouchiness has officially set in. I'll just get this said really quickly to get it out of the way,
May I just take a few minutes to expound on a few of the reasons why I hate it so much?

  1. BENDING OVER: It is next to impossible to bend over. Picking up anything on the floor is a challenge that becomes as daunting as climbing Mount Everest. If the kids spill, I have 5 options. I can: a- attempt to bend over and not be able to breathe for several seconds, or even minutes; b- drop a towel and swipe the area with my foot several times (keeping in mind that I can't really see the floor or the mess past my bulging tummy); c- leave the mess there until Jeramy comes home; d- ask the child to clean it up, and slip and fall and nearly kill myself 5 minutes later after they have "cleaned it up"; or finally e- crawl around on the ground on all fours for 10 minutes cleaning up the mess along with any others that are on the floor, because lets face it, once I'm down there, it's going to be next to impossible to get back up.
  2. STRANGERS WELL-MENT "FAT" COMMENTS: OK, would you walk up to a fat person and flat out tell them that they are fat? No, unless you are Michael Scott (the office) you would have way more tact than that. So WHY do perfect strangers feel it a need to tell me that I am huge. If anyone knows, believe me, I do. I am very aware that I have already outgrown all but 3 pregnancy outfits that I have, and I don't need people telling me that I "look like I should have had that baby yesterday." I'm about an inch away from blowing up at the next "well-ment" comment I receive from a kind old person.
  3. I AM A MEAN PERSON WHEN IN THE LAST TRIMESTER: (In case you haven't figured that out from my previous work in this piece.) I think that on a whole, I'm a pretty positive person. That is, unless I am in this stinking last trimester. I mean, come on. Who is? I'm up 30 pounds, can't bend over or fit into my clothes, and get almost daily comments from complete strangers about how big I am. Yes, there are many women who are wonderful and can rise above all that and still have awesome attitudes, but I'm simply not one of them! GRRRRR!

Anyway, thanks for allowing me an outlet to scream all the pent up frustration I have at this process called pregnancy.


Shauna said...

Amen. I hate being pregnant, too. It was kind of cool the 1st time. I dare you to tell the next well-meaning person that tells you you're huge that you're not pregnant.

Bonnie said...

It's OK you're allowed to be grouchy when you're pregnant. It's really the only time you have a good excuse - take advantage

The Jacobs Family said...

Vent away sister. People say the stupidest things. I cannot tell you how many people said rude and dumb things when I was pregnant with the twins. When Lisa was pregnant, a random lady went up to her and put her hand on her belly, and Lisa reached out and put her hand on the lady's belly! The lady turned bright red and walked away, and Lisa felt a lot better. :)