Thursday, April 24, 2008
Quick "Edward Cullen" Update
I got this link off a friend's blog (thanks Kate), but there's some pictures posted on it from the set of the movie. They made me want to start reading the books for the umm.....fourth time.... Check it out HERE.
Allow me a little rant...
OK, so I still have two months to go, but the grouchiness has officially set in. I'll just get this said really quickly to get it out of the way,
May I just take a few minutes to expound on a few of the reasons why I hate it so much?- BENDING OVER: It is next to impossible to bend over. Picking up anything on the floor is a challenge that becomes as daunting as climbing Mount Everest. If the kids spill, I have 5 options. I can: a- attempt to bend over and not be able to breathe for several seconds, or even minutes; b- drop a towel and swipe the area with my foot several times (keeping in mind that I can't really see the floor or the mess past my bulging tummy); c- leave the mess there until Jeramy comes home; d- ask the child to clean it up, and slip and fall and nearly kill myself 5 minutes later after they have "cleaned it up"; or finally e- crawl around on the ground on all fours for 10 minutes cleaning up the mess along with any others that are on the floor, because lets face it, once I'm down there, it's going to be next to impossible to get back up.
- STRANGERS WELL-MENT "FAT" COMMENTS: OK, would you walk up to a fat person and flat out tell them that they are fat? No, unless you are Michael Scott (the office) you would have way more tact than that. So WHY do perfect strangers feel it a need to tell me that I am huge. If anyone knows, believe me, I do. I am very aware that I have already outgrown all but 3 pregnancy outfits that I have, and I don't need people telling me that I "look like I should have had that baby yesterday." I'm about an inch away from blowing up at the next "well-ment" comment I receive from a kind old person.
- I AM A MEAN PERSON WHEN IN THE LAST TRIMESTER: (In case you haven't figured that out from my previous work in this piece.) I think that on a whole, I'm a pretty positive person. That is, unless I am in this stinking last trimester. I mean, come on. Who is? I'm up 30 pounds, can't bend over or fit into my clothes, and get almost daily comments from complete strangers about how big I am. Yes, there are many women who are wonderful and can rise above all that and still have awesome attitudes, but I'm simply not one of them! GRRRRR!
Anyway, thanks for allowing me an outlet to scream all the pent up frustration I have at this process called pregnancy.
Monday, April 14, 2008
What a Deal!
I'm not usually one to go crazy on the sales that stores have, but this time I did. Fry's is having a mix and match sale this week (tomorrow is the last day), and I went and loaded up on things that we use in our house along with things that can be put into our food storage. I ended up spending about $78.00 on this:

But, I saved a grand total of $104.79 because of the sale and using my VIP card. That's a great deal to me! For those of you who haven't heard of this yet, there is a great web site called "sister savings" that lists the sales of all the local grocery stores each week and gives tips about saving money. I use it every two weeks when I make out a grocery list. If you are interested, you can find the link Here.
But, I saved a grand total of $104.79 because of the sale and using my VIP card. That's a great deal to me! For those of you who haven't heard of this yet, there is a great web site called "sister savings" that lists the sales of all the local grocery stores each week and gives tips about saving money. I use it every two weeks when I make out a grocery list. If you are interested, you can find the link Here.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I'm winning the war!!

That is why I am happy to announce that I have found a very effective killing agent for these creepy critters. All you have to do is take a small dish (I've been using a custard dish) and put into that dish equal parts dish soap and cider vinegar. Mix it up good and leave it where the flies tend to annoy the most. I made this concoction yesterday morning. Today I came down to a dish filled with over 20 dead fruit flies. I am so happy that I am now going to be on the winning side of this war!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
T-Ball Time of Year

It's that time of year again when our lives get pushed into fast forward with T-Ball. Jeramy is the coach of Jackson and Cooper's team and they are the Yankees. They are all loving it and having so much fun. It's really been great, although Sawyer feels very left out! And even though it is very time consuming, it's definitely been worth it!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Summer Time Fun
I sent out an email to some of my friends and I wanted to post it here as well. We're always hurting for ideas to get out of the house in the summer time when it's too hot to even breathe out side. Here are two ideas that might work for you:

1. OK, for those of you who don't know about this, it's awesome. We did it last summer and my boys loved it and looked forward to it every week. Every summer, Harkins Theaters have a promo called Summer Movie Fun. You can pay $7.00 (per person), pick a day of the week, and get to watch 10 movies (1 a week) that have come out over the past year or two. So, you get to get out of the heat and house and take your kids to the theaters every week for less than a dollar per movie. The movies all start at 9:45 a.m. and they have kids pack concessions if you want to purchase them for $4.00 each. All you have to do is go to the theater and purchase tickets for every seat you intend to use. The down side is you have to get there early. It's on a first come first serve basis and they sell out FAST; so you'll have to get their early to get in line. I'm going to try to get tickets on Friday's for the Superstition Springs location, so hopefully I'll see some of you there!
Here is the link if you have any questions and if that doesn't work, try this one.

2. We are getting a family pass to a local junior high school swimming pool. Most of you probably have family or friends with swimming pools, or even have one of your own. However, it's such a good way to get the kids out of the house and into a new environment. Some of the newer Jr. High School Pools are really nice with water slides and play areas just for little kids. They can be expensive, but here's my tip: if you go to the pool over Memorial Day weekend to buy the pass, they give you a 1/2 off discount, only $95. Here is the link to the City of Mesa pools.

1. OK, for those of you who don't know about this, it's awesome. We did it last summer and my boys loved it and looked forward to it every week. Every summer, Harkins Theaters have a promo called Summer Movie Fun. You can pay $7.00 (per person), pick a day of the week, and get to watch 10 movies (1 a week) that have come out over the past year or two. So, you get to get out of the heat and house and take your kids to the theaters every week for less than a dollar per movie. The movies all start at 9:45 a.m. and they have kids pack concessions if you want to purchase them for $4.00 each. All you have to do is go to the theater and purchase tickets for every seat you intend to use. The down side is you have to get there early. It's on a first come first serve basis and they sell out FAST; so you'll have to get their early to get in line. I'm going to try to get tickets on Friday's for the Superstition Springs location, so hopefully I'll see some of you there!
Here is the link if you have any questions and if that doesn't work, try this one.

2. We are getting a family pass to a local junior high school swimming pool. Most of you probably have family or friends with swimming pools, or even have one of your own. However, it's such a good way to get the kids out of the house and into a new environment. Some of the newer Jr. High School Pools are really nice with water slides and play areas just for little kids. They can be expensive, but here's my tip: if you go to the pool over Memorial Day weekend to buy the pass, they give you a 1/2 off discount, only $95. Here is the link to the City of Mesa pools.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Remember when...
Remember when you where a kid and you would beg and beg your parents to let you get a treat at the grocery store? I always wanted some kind of Hostess treat. I loved the fruit filled pies and the ding dongs and of course Twinkies. The cream filled chocolate cupcakes were also tantalizing with that little swirly white frosting on top. That is one thing I remember from childhood. Remember how good it all tasted?

Yeah...They aren't good. In fact, they are disgusting! And kids have bad taste when it comes to food.
Cooper wanted these things for Family Home Evening Treats the other night. Jeramy and I reminded each other of how good these were as children then took a bite into our own cup cakes. Jeramy gagged and I spit mine out. They are seriously gross. But did that stop the kids? Oh no.
They finished their own cupcakes and polished off Jeramy's and mine. Here is a picture of them delighting in the "delicacy" of a Hostess cup cake.

The ironic thing is they cry and complain and refuse to eat good things like Lasagna, or Chicken Parmesan, or even Cheeseburgers for crying out loud! Yet, they will sneak crumbs off the ground that dropped from a cup cake that tastes like garbage to begin with. I guess we'll never fathom the taste buds of kids.
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