Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Template

With each baby boy that came into our family, I seemed to get more and more girly. Now, we finally have our girl and I think it has pushed me over the top with how much I like red and pink. I have a new favorite flower, the cherry blossom, and since I have decided it is my new favorite, I have started attaching pictures of it where ever I can. My email account theme is Cherry blossoms, I have cherry blossom bath and body wash and decided that I needed it to be on our blog as well. (Plus, I was really sick of the old one.) Anyway, I'm a bit impulsive when I actually make up my mind about something, and I sat down and found a template and switched it out. Before I knew it, i had lost all the blog addresses for my friends and family, again. (Sigh!) So, please, if you are reading this, leave me a comment and put your blog address on so that I can make another list of friends addresses! Thank you so much!


LISA :) said...

Hey Becky,
I love the new layout cherry blossom are one of my favorites too. I love all the cute pictures of your family. This is our blog

The Jacobs Family said...

Cherry blossoms are my fave too!