Which is why I wanted to make sure that everyone knows that they need to keep a container of Meat tenderizer on hand. Why Meat tenderizer? Most of these products contain papain, which breaks down proteins. This is perhaps the reason why an application of meat tenderizer is effective in diminishing the discomfort associated with the sting from spiders and scorpions. I have used it when 2 of my kids have been stung. (Then called poison control, of course.) I mix it with water to make a paste and spred the paste over the bite. For it to be effective, it must be used asap, so the poison is not too far spread. When Sawyer was stung 2 weeks ago, I used it on him right away and he cried for only about 10 minutes. While he freaked out when his arm inevitably went numb, it didn't hurt him any more and he was just fine. You don't need to leave the paste on for too long because after 10-15 minutes, it can irritate the skin. But it is a wonder cure and important to have on hand in this desert!