Saturday, February 23, 2008


The results are in! We are officially having a girl! We are both in shock about that and don't quite know what to do with that news. Cooper and Jackson are both ecstatic about the results. They really wanted it to be a girl. Sawyer, on the other hand, started crying and said, "I don't want a sister!" Guess he'll have to learn to live with it. My due date stays the same, so July 4th is what we are planning on. Also, we don't really have any names picked out (like I said, we've never had to think about girl names before.) So, if you have idea's, pass them on. (It just has to have at least 2 syllables to go with our last name.) Here is baby girl's first picture (It's her profile).


The Jacobs Family said...

I'm so happy to be keeping up with you! Congrats on the little princess, you are going to L-O-V-E it! Ruffles, pink, bows, earrings, pink, spa days, pink, cute shoes, pink! So exciting!

markandaubrey said...

I am so excited you are having a girl! That will be so much fun!

Bonnie said...

I, for one am happy to having a little pink bundle - not that I don't love my little monkey boys, but a girl will be so fun!! I have been buying lots of fun "oh so pink, and oh so cute" things these days!! Love you tons, MOM

The Farnsworth Family said...

Woo hoo!! Congrats :) Wait... does that mean there is hope for me???

Kate said...

Becky you know how excited I am for you guys!! As far as name suggestions I seem to remember many moons ago (I think you were preggo with Jackson) and the name Saffron was brought up. Maybe Saffie? Just a suggestion :) Adam LOVED that name don't you remember??