On Sunday night, our beloved tree-frog "Bean" passed on. He was a good pet for the boys. For those of you who don't know the story, he was our FREE $200.00 frog.
3 years ago, I came home one evening to find a frog sitting in my cookie jar on the kitchen counter. As it happened, Jeramy was good friends with the people who owned the restaurant in his office building. Because they knew Jeramy had 3 little boys, they called him when they got their shipment of lettuce and found a little frog in it. Jeramy was very proud of himself for getting the boys a free pet! The restaurant was named, "Romancing the Bean", hence the boys decided to name it Bean. He had lost a little foot in the lettuce somewhere so he was gimp, but he survived, so we had no choice but to keep him.
I went to the pet store the next day and by the time I bought the tank, the bedding, the water dish, the UV light, the thermometer, the barometer, the plants, logs, water chemicals, vitamins, and LIVE crickets, I was out $200 on the very FREE frog. We never expected him to last, but he did for 3 whole years, and it was sad on Sunday when we found him hidden in his cave, dead. He was a good pet and while I will NOT miss the weekly visits to PetCo to buy crickets, we will miss his cute hopping onto the side of the tank and slowly sliding back down, on account of his 3 legs not being sufficient to hold him up!
Oh poor Bean! He was a good froggy. Now you'll have to get a dog - hee hee. Did the boys cry? Did you have an appropriate funeral?
I never knew you had a frog. How did the boys take the sad news? We had a frog, but it only lasted a year. It was a water frog and lived with our beta fish. The fish was so mean to it that we eventually had to separate them. Are you going to replace Bean for a new frog, or maybe a new pet?!
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