Ok, so I have really been slacking on this whole blogging experience. But to be honest, life has been so busy in our house this month, that even if I had WANTED to blog, there would have been no time. What with soccer four days a week, Young Womens Activities, Mommy Preschool, October Break, elemetry school early release week, parent teacher conference, three little boys and one husband, there simply hasn't been any time. Everyone tells me how the bigger your kids get, the crazier your life gets. Some days I really don't believe that is possible. Still life is good and we are all well and happy, so I'm not complaining.
For Family Home Evening last night our treat was yummy carmel apples. The boys were in Heaven and we took some pictures to show their glee. They all have different ways of eating their apples:
Sawyer likes his on the stick and he slowly works his way around the carmel, never touching the apple.

Jackson, on the other hand, peels the carmel off his apple and digs right into it, also never touching the apple.

Cooper, our sensible little boy, holds the carmel on and tries to keep the apple connected to the candy.