Friday, November 21, 2008

Contemporary Santa Threats

When I was a kid, I remember how at this time of year my parents would start the Santa Threats. You know what I'm talking about, "If you don't obey, I'm going to call Santa!" In our home, Jeramy likes to start the Santa Threats mid-September. It works well for him, but he has found that in order to make the threat stick and sound--well-- threatening, he had to start changing it up a bit. So, my kids don't just get, "If you don't obey, I'm going to call Santa!" They also are treated to, "I'm going to send Santa a Text Message!" or, "I have Santa's cell phone number, and I'm going to call him." or "Santa sent me his email address and I'm going to go shoot him an email about how you are acting." It's good for the kids to see that even old Santa can keep up in this modern world. Happy Santa Threats to you!


Douglas Family said...

Ooh, haven't tried those new threats yet, but I will have to get on board. I do say Santa is good at helping parents out in that way this time of year.

Leslie said...

I love the new look. I don't remember ever using Santa Threats...Ha Ha Ha, you have become like your parents!

davidandsuzi said...

This is classic!

Kelly said...

Oh yes! We use those too! In fact I used it today to get her to clean her room. I like the new ideas though! I'll be using them!

[jay] p said...

you guys are my heroes! i have a few years before i can apply these stories to my life, but believe me, i will use your tactics!!!

Unknown said...

Yes, we have done the Santa threats. Whatever works huh?