Friday, May 23, 2008

Getting Ready For Baby

We've been really busy lately finishing up T-Ball, finishing with the end of school and getting ready for baby. Poor Jeramy has had every Saturday full of rearranging and putting together furniture for when this little one comes in 6 weeks. (I think we've kept IKEA in business lately.) I'm not much help there because I can't do the heavy lifting and so on. But I have been busy making the baby's quilt, crib bumper and crib skirt. I finally finished them all and put them up. These pictures aren't very good and I know that it's not exactly "baby"ish patterns on the material, but I'm happy with how it all turned out. All I have left to do is make new curtains. Fun, Fun!


OurFamily said...

I'm so jealous you can sew! It looks really cute!

Megan said...

It looks so cute! I love it!

Betsy said...

Wow! Becky, you are awesome! I can't believe you're so far along, you already have the boys to take care of and you can still make amazing things for the baby's room. The bumper and quilt are beautiful!

Kelly said...

Oh my goodness! I didn't know you were so talented. First I was jealous of your gardening skills and now this. The quilt is so cute! I had no idea you could sew. Please teach me some day.

Shauna said...

It's way cute. Good job! I didn't know you were a sewer.

Bonnie said...

Becky, they turned out soooo cute!! I love the "non-babyish" colors - but you know how I am with red! Good job and can't wait for baby girl. So exciting!

KatieJ said...

Very pretty Becky- you did a great job. Maybe if I have another baby someday, and you aren't pregnant or with a new baby yourself, I will get you to help me make my own!